Deputy Commander of NATO Forces in...
Today, a delegation from the NATO Headquarters in Bosnia and Herzegovina visited the Agency for Education and Professional Training, led by Brigadier Muharrem Aydin, who assumed the position of Deputy Commander of NATO Forces in the country in November last year.
The meeting with the Director of the Agency for Education and Professional...
Security Measures for Risk Mitigation...
With the awarding of certificates, the specialised training titled "Security Measures for Risk Mitigation in VIP Protection" was concluded today at the Agency for Education and Professional Training. This training focuses on security measures related to the inspection of premises, individuals, objects, vehicles, and movement routes.
Traditional Blood Donation Campaign
Cadets of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies, along with staff from the Agency for Education and Professional Training, participated today in a blood donation campaign that our agency has been organizing for many years in collaboration with the Transfusion Centre of the University...
Announcement of cooperation with GIZ...
Marko Vujević, Director of the Agency for Education and Professional Training met today with representatives of the project “EU Support to Strengthen the Fight against Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans” (EU4FAST). This project is supported by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ...
Annual INTERPA Conference Highlights...
A delegation from the Agency for Education and Professional Training (AEPTM), led by Director Marko Vujević, attended the 13th conference of the International Association of Police Academies (INTERPA), which was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on 11-13 November. This year, numerous experts in police education focused on the role of artificial...