The curriculum for the basic training of cadets of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina – first level is conducted over a period of eight months (168 working days), during which 1200 teaching hours/working hours will be held. The teaching process is structured as follows:
- Conducted over 16 teaching hours (two working days) during which the cadet is introduced to the curriculum, lecturers/instructors, and other professional personnel leading the training and participating in the teaching process, the method of conducting the teaching process, standards of conduct and behaviour of cadets in accordance with the by-laws of the Agency, and organization into classes, as well as completing and signing the necessary documentation.
- Conducted over 102 working days, during which 720 teaching hours will be held. The curriculum for the first phase is delivered by the lecturers/instructors of the Agency, through 16 subjects. Of the total number of teaching hours in the first phase of the educational process (720), the theoretical part will be conducted over 366 teaching hours, while practice sessions will be conducted over 354 teaching hours.
- Police powers and ethics
- Legal and by-law regulations related to the application of police powers,
- Legal and by-law regulations related to the use of force,
- Ethical codes and professional standards that police officers must adhere to during their duties,
- Procedures for maintaining and collecting accurate and timely records in cases of detention and deprivation of liberty,
- Searches of persons, vehicles, and items, in accordance with domestic legislation, respecting basic human rights and freedoms,
- Profiling methodology,
- Application of police powers using security tactical procedures in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms,
- Reporting violations within police bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Managing or resolving predictable conflict situations in accordance with relevant laws, policies, rules, and procedures during police duties, and more.
- Handling firearms and shooting skills
- Legal provisions, specific rules and principles related to the safe handling of firearms,
- The use and application of firearms in accordance with laws and security procedures, with the appropriate tactical approach, and more.
- Criminal tactics
- The importance and role of criminal tactics in the practice of detecting, investigating, and proving criminal offences,
- General criminal tactical actions, evidentiary actions and special investigative actions,
- Conducting criminal tactical measures and actions that have cognitive and evidentiary characteristics in accordance with positive legal provisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and other rules and procedures of the criminalistics profession,
- Preparing basic reports on criminal investigations in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms and more.
- Criminalistics techniques
- Provisions of Bosnia and Herzegovina's legislation related to criminalistics technical procedures,
- Methods and techniques for finding, documenting, and collecting evidence at the scene of a crime or event, and methods and techniques for criminalistic technical identification and registration,
- Using appropriate work techniques in performing tasks and solving problems during investigations, with a particular focus on finding, documenting, and collecting evidence at the scene of a crime or event,
- Techniques for preserving evidence at the scene of a crime or event,
- Using appropriate work techniques during criminalistic identification and registration,
- Selecting and applying relevant criminalistics technical methods in detecting and proving crimes,
- Risks and security threats to the well-being of oneself and others at the scene of a crime or event and more.
- Criminalistics methodology
- Conceptual definition, forms, and characteristics of certain criminal offences, with particular emphasis on crimes related to cross-border crime,
- Criminalistic measures and actions in detecting and proving criminal offences, with particular emphasis on crimes related to cross-border crime,
- Collecting information related to possible criminal activities as potentially intelligence information that will assist in preventing and detecting criminal offences, in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms,
- Applying criminalistic measures and actions in detecting and proving criminal offences, with particular emphasis on crimes related to cross-border crime in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms,
- Documenting criminal offences with particular emphasis on crimes related to cross-border crime, in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms and more.
- Traffic safety and handling police vehicles
- Provisions of Bosnia and Herzegovina's legislation related to traffic safety,
- Description of relevant issues in the field of traffic safety,
- Identification of vehicles and knowledge of different types of driver's licenses,
- Vehicle stopping and control activities,
- Patrolling, in accordance with established guidelines, to prevent illegal activities,
- Handling police vehicles and other technology and equipment during police duties, in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms, and more.
- Special physical education
- Characteristics of techniques used as means of coercion (self-defense techniques) derived from various martial arts,
- Demonstrating techniques for the use of force and self-defense,
- Applying necessary security measures and providing first aid during tactical procedures by police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms,
- Resolving predictable situations that police officers may encounter during regular duties and tasks, using tactical procedures, in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms and more.
- Physical education and first aid
- General rules, principles, and procedures related to first aid and occupational safety and health,
- Rescue procedures during police duties, in accordance with legal and by-law regulations, positive legal norms, security rules, guidelines, and first aid procedures,
- Applying sports activities to improve and maintain physical fitness and the impact of activities on the health of police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Occupational safety, health, hygiene, and self-protection standards, and more.
- Police psychology
- The importance of understanding psychology in the work of police officers, with a special focus on understanding personal behavior, the behavior of others, and the ability to influence the behavior of a person or group,
- Professional standards, methods, and techniques for managing the behavior of a person or group,
- Effectively communicating with individuals and groups in predictable situations that police officers may encounter during regular duties and tasks,
- Managing or resolving predictable conflict situations in accordance with relevant laws, policies, rules, and procedures during police duties,
- Recognizing risks and threats to safety and well-being for oneself and others during official duties based on indicators of deviant behavior and more.
- Constitutional organization and state administration system
- Key principles of the constitutional structure and state administration system prescribed by relevant legal regulations,
- Supporting and implementing provisions prescribed by the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the constitutions of the entities, as well as relevant legal regulations related to the regular duties and tasks of police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and more.
- Criminal law
- Key principles of criminal law prescribed by relevantt legal regulations,
- Supporting and implementing legal provisions prescribed by criminal law related to regular duties and tasks of police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and more.
- Misdemeanor law
- Key principles of misdemeanor law prescribed by relevant legal regulations,
- Supporting and implementing provisions prescribed by misdemeanor law related to regular duties and tasks of police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina and more.
- Criminal procedure law
- Key principles of criminal procedure law prescribed by relevant legal regulations,
- Criminal procedure principles related to the investigation of criminal offences in the context of police duties in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Supporting and implementing provisions prescribed by criminal procedure law related to regular duties and tasks of police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Preparing basic reports on criminal investigations in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms and more.
- Human rights
- Key provisions on fundamental rights in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as EU legislation and international law related to regular activities of police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Ethical codes, values, and binding professional standards related to the protection of fundamental rights and prevention of their violations during regular police duties and tasks,
- Key rules and procedures for interaction with relevant institutions and organizations for the protection of fundamental human rights during regular police duties and tasks,
- Recognizing risks and threats to safety and well-being for persons in need of international protection and following established procedures for referral to relevant authorities and more.
- IT and communications
- Specific information and data management systems and procedures such as form filling and data entry,
- Following protocols for information exchange, respecting and maintaining confidentiality, security, and data protection standards,
- Handling telecommunications equipment and IT equipment and interpreting results,
- Organizing and managing correspondence based on the principles of accuracy, efficiency, simplicity, uniformity, economy, and responsibility and more.
- English language
- Communicating in English while performing the duties of police officers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. in accordance with established regulations
- Conducted over 24 working days, during which 160 teaching hours will be held. The curriculum for the second phase is delivered by specialized staff of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the premises of the Agency for Education and Professional Training through the subject "The mandate and duties of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina." Of the total number of teaching hours in the second phase (160), the theoretical part will be conducted over 121 teaching hours, while practical sessions will be conducted over 39 teaching hours.
- Conducted over 17 working days, during which 120 teaching hours will be held. The curriculum for the third phase is jointly delivered by the lecturers/instructors of the Agency and specialized staff of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the premises of the Agency for Education and Professional Training, realized through four worked-out scenarios. The total number of teaching hours in the third phase (120) will be conducted through practical exercises.
- Detection of forged documents at the first and second line of checks
- Acquiring knowledge and enhancing skills necessary for professional, lawful, and safe execution of tasks in the field of combating document abuse (detection of forged documents).
- Inspection/search of vehicles and persons in the context of border crossing
- Acquiring knowledge and enhancing skills necessary for professional, lawful, and safe execution of tasks related to the inspection/search of vehicles and persons at the first and second line of checks and border surveillance in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms governing this area.
- First and second line border checks and border surveillance with special emphasis on illegal migration and mass influx of migrants
- Acquiring knowledge and enhancing skills necessary for professional, lawful, and safe execution of tasks (border checks) at the first and second line of border checks and border surveillance, in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms governing this area.
- Use of force in the context of border protection
- Acquiring knowledge and enhancing skills necessary for professional, lawful, and safe execution of tasks (police authority: use of force) at the first and second line of checks and border surveillance in accordance with legal and by-law regulations and positive legal norms governing this area.
- Detection of forged documents at the first and second line of checks
- Conducted over 160 working hours, realized over a period of 28 days (20 working days: working days may include weekends and holidays depending on the schedule of cadets during practical training). The curriculum for the fourth phase is delivered by specialized staff of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina within their organizational units.
- Conducted over three working days, during which cadets who have successfully completed all the required phases and fulfilled other obligations outlined in this curriculum and programme will take the final exam. For cadets who successfully pass the final exam, a ceremony will be organized to award certificates of completion of basic training.Bottom of Form
The curriculum for the basic training programme for cadets of the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Level I is conducted over 233 workking days during which 1514 teaching hours will be held. The educational process is structured as follows:
- Conducted over 16 school hours (three working days), during which cadets are introduced to the curriculum, instructors and other professionals leading the training and participating in the educational process, the method of conducting the educational process, standards of conduct and behavior of cadets in accordance with the Agency's bylaws and organization into classes, when they complete and sign the necessary documentation.
- Conducted over 122 working days, during which 727 school hours will be held. The curriculum for the first phase is implemented by the Agency through 16 subjects. Of the total number of school hours in the first phase (727), the theoretical part will be conducted over 381 school hours, while practical exercises will be conducted over 346 school hours.
- Police Powers and Ethics
- Legal and regulatory provisions related to the application of police powers,
- Legal and regulatory provisions related to the use of force,
- Ethical codes and professional standards that police officers must adhere to while performing their duties,
- Procedures for maintaining and collecting accurate and timely records in cases of detention and deprivation of liberty,
- Search of persons, vehicles, and objects, in accordance with domestic legislation, respecting basic human rights and freedoms,
- Profiling methodology,
- Application of police powers using security tactical procedures, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms,
- Reporting violations of rules within the police bodies of BiH,
- Managing or resolving predictable conflict situations, in accordance with relevant laws, policies, rules, and procedures during the performance of police duties, and more.
- Handling Firearms and Shooting Skills
- Legal provisions, specific rules and principles related to safe handling of firearms,
- Use and handling of firearms in accordance with laws and security procedures, and selection of appropriate tactics, and more.
- Criminal Tactics
- Importance and role of criminal tactics in the practice of detecting, investigating, and proving criminal offenses,
- General criminal-tactical actions, evidentiary actions, and special investigative actions,
- Implementation of criminal-tactical measures and actions that have cognitive and evidentiary characteristics in accordance with positive legal regulations in BiH and other rules and procedures of the criminal justice as a professional filed,
- Preparation of basic reports on criminal investigations in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms, and more.
- Criminalistics Techniques
- Provisions of the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina related to criminalistic-technical procedures,
- Methods and techniques for finding, fixing, and extracting traces at the crime scene or event and methods and techniques of criminalistic-technical identification and registration,
- Use of appropriate work techniques in performing tasks and solving problems during on-site investigations with special emphasis on finding, fixing, and extracting traces at the crime scene or event,
- Techniques for preserving evidence at the crime scene or event,
- Use of appropriate work techniques during criminalistic identification and registration,
- Selection and execution of relevant criminalistic-technical methods in detecting and proving crimes,
- Risks and security threats to the well-being of oneself and others at the crime scene or event, and more.
- Criminalistics Methodology
- Conceptual definition, manifestations and characteristics of certain criminal offenses,
- Criminal measures and actions in detecting and proving criminal offenses,
- Gathering information related to possible criminal activities, as potential intelligence information, which will help prevent and detect criminal offenses, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms,
- Application of criminal measures and actions in detecting and proving criminal offenses in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms,
- Documenting criminal offenses in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms, and more.
- Traffic Safety and Managing Police Vehicles
- Provisions of the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina related to traffic safety,
- Describing relevant issues in the field of traffic safety,
- Identification of vehicles and knowledge of different types of driving licenses,
- Stopping and controlling vehicles,
- Patrolling, in accordance with established guidelines, to prevent illegal activities,
- Handling police vehicles and other technology and equipment during police duties in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms, and more.
- Special Physical Education
- Characteristics of techniques used as means of coercion (self-defense techniques), derived from various martial arts,
- Demonstrating techniques for using force and self-defense,
- Applying necessary safety measures and providing first aid during police tactical procedures in BiH in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms,
- Resolving predictable situations in which police officers may find themselves during regular duties and tasks, using tactical procedures, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms, and more.
- Physical Culture and First Aid
- General rules, principles, and procedures related to first aid and occupational safety and health,
- Rescue procedures during police duties, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions, positive legal norms, safety rules, guidelines, and first aid procedures,
- Application of sports activities to improve and maintain physical fitness and the impact of activities on the health of police officers in BiH,
- Standards of occupational safety, health, hygiene, and self-protection, and more.
9. Police Psychology
- Importance of understanding psychology in the work of police officers, with special focus on understanding personal behavior, the behavior of others and the possibility of influencing the behavior of individuals or groups,
- Professional standards, methods, and techniques for managing the behavior of individuals or groups,
- Effective communication with individuals and groups in predictable situations in which police officers may find themselves during regular duties and tasks,
- Managing or resolving predictable conflict situations, in accordance with relevant laws, policies, rules, and procedures during the performance of police duties,
- Recognizing risks and threats to safety and well-being for oneself and others during official duties, based on indicators of deviant forms of behavior and perception, and more.
10. Constitutional Order and State Administration System
- Key principles of the constitutional order and the state administration system prescribed by relevant legal regulations,
- Supporting and implementing the provisions prescribed by the Constitution of BiH and the constitutions of entities, as well as relevant legal regulations related to regular duties and tasks of police officers in BiH, and more.
11. Criminal Law
- Key principles of criminal law prescribed by relevant legal regulations,
- Supporting and implementing the legal provisions prescribed by criminal law that relate to regular duties and tasks of police officers in BiH, and more.
12. Misdemeanor Law
- Key principles of misdemeanor law prescribed by relevant legal regulations,
- Supporting and implementing the provisions prescribed by misdemeanor law that relate to regular duties and tasks of police officers in BiH, and more.
13. Criminal Procedure Law
- Key principles of criminal procedure law prescribed by relevant legal regulations,
- Criminal procedure principles related to the investigation of criminal offenses in the context of police duties in BiH,
- Supporting and implementing the provisions prescribed by criminal procedure law that relate to regular duties and tasks of police officers in BiH,
- Preparing basic reports on criminal investigations in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms, and more.
14. Human Rights
- Key provisions on fundamental rights, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms in BiH, as well as EU legislation and international legislation, related to the regular activities of police officers in BiH,
- Ethical codes, values, and binding professional standards related to the protection of fundamental rights and prevention of the violations during regular police duties and tasks,
- Key rules and procedures for interaction with relevant institutions and organizations for the protection of fundamental human rights during regular police duties and tasks,
- Recognizing risks and threats to the safety and well-being of persons in need of international protection, and following established procedures for referring them to the competent authorities, and more.
15. Information Technology and Communications
- Specific information and data management systems and procedures such as filling out forms and data,
- Following protocols for information exchange, maintaining confidentiality, security, and data protection standards,
- Handling telecommunication equipment and IT equipment and interpretation of results,
- Organizing and managing correspondence according to principles of accuracy, expediency, simplicity, uniformity, economy, and responsibility, and more.
16. English Language
- Communicating in English during police duties in BiH in accordance with established regulations
- It is conducted over 25 working days during which 152 school hours will be held. The curriculum for the second phase is delivered by professionals from the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH at the Agency's premises through the subject "Organization and mandate of the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina." Of the total number of school hours in the second phase (152), the theoretical part will be conducted over 69 school hours, while practical exercises will be conducted over 83 school hours.
- Conducted over 20 working days during which 115 school hours will be held. The curriculum for the third phase is delivered jointly by lecturers/instructors from the Agency and experts from the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Agency's premises. It is implemented through six detailed training plans. The total number of school hours in the third phase (115) will be delivered through practical exercises.
- Use of Force in Accordance with the Level of Resistance
- Gaining knowledge and improving skills necessary for the professional, lawful, and safe execution of tasks related to the use of police authority, specifically the use of force, or physical force, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions and positive legal norms governing this area.
- Providing First Aid in Tactical Situations and Use of Medical Supplies
- Refreshing knowledge and enhancing skills necessary for approaching, assessing, providing first aid, and caring for injured persons in tactical situations through standardized first aid procedures, using medical supplies found in individual and collective first aid kits.
- Crowd Control
- Refreshing knowledge and improving basic skills necessary for crowd control (forming cordons, establishing security zones, and negotiating with demonstrators to achieve a peaceful resolution), taking into account factors such as the number of demonstrators, the level of violence and the presence of armed individuals.
- Search of Areas, Persons, Items, Vehicles, and Movement Routes
- Refreshing knowledge and enhancing basic skills necessary for conducting searches of areas, persons, items, vehicles and movement routes using the required KDZ (Control and Detection Zone) equipment.
- Close Protection of VIPs
- Acquiring knowledge and improving skills necessary for the professional, lawful, and safe execution of tasks related to the close protection of VIPs in accordance with relevant legislation, rules and procedures governing this area.
- Criminal Intelligence Process
- Acquiring knowledge and improving skills necessary for the professional and lawful performance of tasks related to setting tasks, collecting intelligence data, assessing criminal intelligence data, organizing – processing data, integrating data, analyzing data, developing conclusions, and distributing the analytical product in accordance with relevant legislation, rules, and procedures governing this area.
- Conducted over 60 working days, during which cadets will have 480 working hours. The curriculum for the fourth phase is delivered by experts from the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina within their organizational units. The total number of school hours in the fourth phase (480) will be delivered through practical exercises.
- Conducted over three working days, during which the cadets who have successfully completed all the required phases and fulfilled other obligations outlined in this curriculum will take the final exam. A ceremony is organized for the cadets who have successfully passed the final exam during which they will be awarded certificates of completion of the basic training.
Basic training courses for cadets of the State Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Level I
The basic training programme for cadets of the State Investigation and Protection Agency of BiH – Level I is conducted over a 6-month period (26 weeks), including 1180 lessons divided into two
educational phases:
1. Theory classes and practice sessions,
2. Situational classes.
The curriculum is implemented through 17 subjects:
1. Police duties and powers
2. Weapon handling and shooting skills
3. Criminalistic tactics
4. Criminalistic technique
5. Criminalistic methods
6. Traffic safety and driving a police vehicle
7. Special physical education
8. Physical culture and first aid
9. Criminal psychology
10. Constitutional order and state administration system
11. Criminal law
12. Misdemeanour law
13. Criminal procedure law
14. Human rights
15. Informatics and communication
16. English language
17. Powers and duties of Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Upon succesful completion of the training course arranged in 2 educational phases, the attendees on the training course take the final examination.
Those who successfully pass the final examination will receive the Certificate of completion of the basic training of cadets of the State Investigation and Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Level I, issued by the Agency. The trainees thus fulfill the conditions to be awarded a rank of POLICEMAN.